A SoCo-Lites HaVeN

All About Me


Get Ahold of Moi

SoCo Links

SoCo Guestbook

SoCo Song of the Month

Photo2 Page


WeLcOmE, FeLLoW SoCo-LiTeS!!

You a big Social Code fan? Looking for a fansite with links, pics, & more? We'll you've come to the right place, my friend! Everything here is SoCo! Want to navigate to their homepage, or their MySpace.com blog? Check the Favourite Links on the left? Want to contact yours truly? Check the Contact Info! Or to peruse the pics, check out the Pictures link! Enjoy your stay...& let's help turn the phenom that is Social Code from a Whisper To A Scream! ^_^

SoCo-Lites Site Updates!!

Updates are always good!! Check back here periodically for SoCo updates, tour-dates, prices for tix, and just random additions to the site!

Updates are as follows:

01/10/06  Happy Birthday to Moi! Me'sa 22 now!! ^_^

11/04/05  SoCo Rawked Out @ the Ramada! Awesome show, guys!! Come back again soon!! =)

9/21/05   This page was created!

It's a brand new site, so check back often! ^_~